COVID-19 poli­cies for house viewings

Covid safe­ty measures

The safe­ty and well­be­ing of our ten­ants, cus­tomers and staff are of the utmost impor­tance to us. We are active­ly mon­i­tor­ing the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion with regard to the Coro­n­avirus out­break at present and will con­tin­ue to fol­low the Welsh Government’s lat­est advice on all in-per­son view­ings which we car­ry out.

Please make your­self famil­iar with the fol­low­ing guid­ance which will inform how we will be car­ry­ing out all in-per­son prop­er­ty view­ings going forward.

1. Find­ing a suit­able house

In the first instance we are keen to min­imise the require­ment for any house view­ings to take place at all. We have com­pre­hen­sive pho­tographs, floor­plans and infor­ma­tion under each of our prop­er­ty list­ings and we sug­gest that you take the time to look through these in detail in advance of request­ing to view a property.

To help you make the most appro­pri­ate prop­er­ty view­ings, here are some use­ful tips to help you choose an appro­pri­ate house:

Group size

How many of you are there in your group? Are you def­i­nite­ly a group of 5 or actu­al­ly a group of 4 or 6? Please note that we can only car­ry out view­ings with com­plete and con­firmed groups present.


How much are you look­ing to spend per per­son per month? Have a dis­cus­sion togeth­er as a group as to what your bud­get is and ensure that every­body is on the same page.


How impor­tant is loca­tion for you? Do you want to be in the mid­dle of the Gold­en Tri­an­gle in Cathays or would you be hap­py to be a lit­tle fur­ther away?

House fea­tures

How impor­tant are dif­fer­ent house fea­tures? Do you need more or few­er bath­rooms? Would you like a larg­er out­door space or gar­den? Do you pre­fer a bath or just a show­er? Look at each prop­er­ty in detail to find out what might be unique to that house.

Remem­ber that all of our hous­es come with the same great ser­vice and are all fur­nished with high qual­i­ty fur­ni­ture includ­ing mem­o­ry foam mat­tress­es. We can of course dis­cuss your require­ments in more detail to help find a home that you will love.

2. Pre-view­ing information

When your group has agreed which prop­er­ties you are inter­est­ed in, please make an enquiry through the prop­er­ty list­ing pages on our web­site. We will then get back to you to arrange a time to view these prop­er­ties. Please note that imme­di­ate / next day view­ings are not pos­si­ble as we need to give at least 24 hours notice in advance (and ide­al­ly longer) to our cur­rent tenants.

Research the prop­er­ties you are inter­est­ed in

Before book­ing any view­ings, please take the time to make your­self famil­iar with the prop­er­ties that inter­est you in advance, ensur­ing that you come pre­pared with any ques­tions you may have — we will be more than hap­py to answer any queries.

Covid symp­toms

Please note that as part of the Welsh Government’s Test, Trace, Pro­tect scheme, we will not be able to car­ry out any house view­ings if any­body in your group or in the prospec­tive house has shown any Covid-19 symp­toms or has been in con­tact with some­body who has in the past 14 days.

Symp­toms include but are not lim­it­ed to:

  • Fever or high temperature
  • Per­sis­tent dry cough
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Breath­ing difficulties

3. The house viewing

All house view­ings will start at our offices on Woodville Road unless stat­ed oth­er­wise. One of the John Win­ter team will then pro­ceed to take you to the hous­es which you have request­ed to see.

Please note that we will always try to ensure that the time spent at any prop­er­ty is kept to a min­i­mum wher­ev­er pos­si­ble. We reserve the right to not car­ry out view­ings if the appro­pri­ate mea­sures are not taken.

Dur­ing house viewings

House view­ings will be led by one of the John Win­ter team. They will take you to your cho­sen prop­er­ties and show you around the hous­es. We polite­ly ask that you take the fol­low­ing pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures when under­tak­ing any house view­ing with us:

  • You will be asked to fol­low social dis­tanc­ing mea­sures wher­ev­er pos­si­ble with­in the property
  • Face cov­er­ings are to be worn at all times
  • We kind­ly ask you to refrain from touch­ing any­thing at the prop­er­ty where possible
  • We request that where pos­si­ble you do not ful­ly enter into ten­ants’ bed­rooms so as to min­imise any contact
  • All view­ings will be kept as short as pos­si­ble and should not last longer than 10 minutes
  • We kind­ly ask you to install the NHS Track and Trace app for the dura­tion of any view­ings if possible

Sign­ing for a property

After view­ings have been car­ried out, if you are keen to pro­ceed with sign­ing for a house, this process will be car­ried out at our office, with social dis­tanc­ing mea­sures in place and using our dig­i­tal non-con­tact sign­ing system.


If you have any ques­tions relat­ing to the above, please get in touch with our team and we would be more than hap­py to help:

Email: lettings@​johnwinterhouses.​co.​uk
Phone: 02920 228 777